PayPal Scam

PayPal Request Scam

I have been doing IT and Security work for several years now but there are always scams going on. I had a scammer try just this morning to get me to send them money. I have had paypal since I have been old enough and I have never seen something like this before. As you can see they sent a request for $699.99 with a note asking about fradulent activity. I went in and denied their request.

Here are some of the things that I used to determine this was a scammer.

  • The email address is a gmail account that is just random numbers and letters.

  • When searching the phone number it does not return to a legitimate business

  • They make this sound urgent by saying if I did not "purchase specific items" but yet it was a request not an approved charge

As a company we can help avoid some of these scams by working with you to put the right tools and processes in place. The best thing you can do is pay attention to what comes your way and keep yourself informed.

If you would like assistance in getting the appropriate tools in palce as a first line of defense for you and your employees contact us and see how we can help.

  • Spam Filter

  • Employee Training

  • Anti-Virus with Sandbox

  • Much More!